Make bootlogo
Generate a partition to replace logo (boot logo)
Make bootlogo (LOGO partition)
Replace boot logo
# To enable bootlogo, uboot needs the following configuration items # - CONFIG_CMD_BOOTLOGO # - CONFIG_SSTAR_DISP # - CONFIG_SSTAR_PNL # - CONFIG_SSTAR_JPD # Copy the bootlogo image to ${SDK_PATH}/ssd20x-rootfs-open/logo/imagee # Modify the image name used in the script to logo.jpg
Compile and replace flash images
cd ${SDK_PATH}/ssd20x-rootfs-open ./ ssd201 CC0702I50R # sssd202-chip type # CC0702I50R-String indexing the screen parameter variables -> ssd20x-rootfs-open/logo/rawgenerator/disp_data_main.c - SS_SHEADER_TableHandler_t stTable[] cp ${SDK_PATH}/ssd20x-rootfs-open/logo/logo ${SDK_PATH}/ssd20x-images-open/WT2012
Note: When using an SPI+RGB screen, you need to add the spi initialization code to uboot.